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Bintan |
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wlasnie wrocilam z pokoju obok, gdzie zostalam zaproszona zeby pobyc z lokalnymi studentami. Nie wiecie, jaka frajde mi to przynioslo- w koncu pobyc z "locals" i zobaczyc jak oni spedzaja swoj wolny czas, o czym rozmawiaja, z czego sie smieja. Apparently, oni srednio co sie ucza, po zajeciach spotykaja sie na jedzenie (oj tak, Azja to kultura jednego nieustannego zarcia wspolnego) a pozniej spotykaja sie wjednym z pokojow i pija piwko i sie smieja, graja w rozne gry planszowe i jest jeden wielki nieustanny chichot. Niesamowite! co prawda czulam sie troche obco z racji akcentu: maja niesamowicie melodyjny akcent, moglabym ich sluuuchac godzinami, ale czasami po prostu tak nawijaja ze trudno dotrzymac kroku.
Zauwazylam ze ironia i dokuczanie sobie jest bardzo czeste, co przyczynilo sie do tego ze ja rowniez potrafilam sie smiac z ich zartow i humoru.
Nie no wlasnie zauwazam ze strasznie trudno ubrac wzsystkie moje spotrzezenia i impresje w slowa zwlaszcza ze moje zdolnosci literackie sa znikome, wiec wybaczcie moja nieudolnosc pisarska.
Po prostu w koncu zaczelo sie prawdziwe poznawanie Singapuru- ludzi, ich kultury, ich HTHT- maja osobna nazwe na spotkania ktore opieraja sie tlyko i wylacznie na tzw "obrabianiu dupy" innym, czyli po prostu plotkowaniu.
W kazdym razie, jestem optymistycznie nastawiona ze bede sie wtapiac w ich kulture, jesc ich jedzonko a walic tam reszte ktora nie moze zniesc ostrych potraw i nie wie co to chilli (ach, zaczynam byc troche ignorantka, ale co tam)
buziaki dla wszystkich, la!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Hello my dear readers!
I guess there are not many of you that are following my blog, but for those who are my “fans” I’m saying big thank you!! otherwise, I wouldn’t feel motivated at all to put anything but I guess it’s a mutual benefit.
Anyways, I’ve just come back from first classes and from the city. This class is called “Rise of the West”- all about how Europeans conquered and colonialised “the rest” and I was sitting there and I was so moved by the fact that finally I am interested in literally almost everything what the lecturer was talking about. Of course, the things are not that much relevant in terms of future monetary benefits (meaning that I won’t be a great money-maker thanks to the knowledge of colonialism, I should be delving into stock exchange issues instead I guess) but it didn’t matter at all. I’m not saying that it never happened like that in the economics bachelor but now my impressions and feelings (& doznania ) are completely in a different dimension. Maybe it also can be due to the environment and the situation I am in. But it doesn’t matter. I just love the idea that I am really focused on the lecture. I hope it won’t change in other courses.
The other course I am hoping to be really informative and fascinating is “Exploring South East Asia through films”. It might sound lame and really bullshit but I am expecting it to be really interesting. Like movies show a lot of the cultures and the people lead their lives. So starting from Red Khmers and Cambodian people, going to Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong and of course Singapore, Malaysia and stuff. It should be such a beneficial course for me, especially that I do intend to come back to this region not once in the future….
Sorry I just lost any inspiration to write more…
Cause I just think of eating. There is so much food to choose from in here and everything is like 1 euro… so I cannot resist !! (although I’m not hungry in this weather, but it is a small detail )
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
jest tutaj swietnie, ale niestety za duzo amerykancow i innych ludzi ktorzy nigdy nie podrozowali samotnie i nie maja jakiejs tam wiedzy o swieice. i wiesz, jak ja chce geeralnie poznac kulture i zycie lokalne, to oni chca robic wszystkie turystyczne rzeczy i byc na kazdym mozliwym zdjeciu, no wiec troche nasze poglady i priorytety sie rozmijaja, juz nie mowiac o rozmowach o "zyciu" kiedy to wiekszosc tematow nie wchodzi w gre, bo najpierw trzeba byloby im wytlumaczyc i dopiero pozniej ewentualnie cos zaczac, ale do tej pory nie udawalo sie to...
no ale moze to jakos przezyje, mam nadzieje ze poznam przynajmniej jedna osobe ktora ma troche glebsze spojrzenie na swiat, bo jakos nie chce mi sie gadac z ludzmi ktorzy naawet nie wiedza o czym sa przedmioty ktore biora etc...
i tyle :)
a poza tym to jest super, mam 3 dni wykladow, iw sumie calkiem fajnie ciekawe typu media&politics, biore hiszpanski w koncu, i jakies tam inne z wydzialu historii i socjologii. w koncu nie czysta ekonomia ;))
dobra spadam, sie kurde najadlam strasznie i teraz mam takiego bebsona ze nie moge sie ruszac, ide czytac "half of the yellow sun", fajna powiesc o nigerii, wiec
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
wiec nie bede sie rozpisywac tutaj mega elaborate.
i kind of don't feel like writing daily reports what i am up to and what i have done given day. in brief, since i live on the campus, today i went to the city with my roommate (from usa) and american people. actually, it's a long way to get there: first, the bus to metro station, then by metro at least 20-25 mins and then we are in different districts. but whatever, you gotta know the basic connection and its good that im doing it firstly with the group so that later i will be able to explore alone or in pairs or whatever.
i still cannot believe that im gonna live here, short though but still live, not travel. i feel like im here temporarily and although im not hungry in this weather, i feel i need to eat everything, taste everything "exotic-looking" thingy etc. :)
i hope it will end cause i may come back twice bigger.
oo, and one thing that has come to my mind recently. please, don't have really high expectations about my language, content, writing skills or whatever skills. this blog is basically just my diary and to let others what i'm up to in the same time. this blog isn't meant to give any deeper feelings and impressions. so from now on, you have been warned and don't complain or simply don't keep reading. it's not a must. i'm not gonna verify whether you know what i've seen etc. so i hope you won't be afraid to meet me after i'm back ;)))
ok, whatever. the thought of falling asleep and welcoming a new day starts to be even more tempting. hopefully, i will have some inspiration tomorrow so i can write more valuable stuff :)
ooo and last thing. the fact that you are being informed about what i'm up to and stuff like that doesn't mean that you cannot write to me and tell me how YOU have been doing, i doesn't work one way, so please reply to my message and questions in the future whenever i'm asking about you, people. i hope i got that straight, right?:) ciaao, x
ps. and some interesting link, about cambodia, but sorry only for polish or german, since its from spiegel;)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Kick off
And here i am in frankfurt. I have only 6 hours till the next flight. To make matters worse, there is no free wireless, they would only charge 8 euros for 60 minutes, really generous…. Well, I have two books, fortunately and probably around 20 minutes on the computer until the battery is dead (I couldn’t find any plugs in the vicinity of the seats). Yea, whatever. Life is hard and nobody said that it would be different. At least, I just have to control my addiction and this “just” is a little euphemism.
I gotta say that when I was leaving my parents before security check, I started to feel a little bit anxious. You know, this feeling that nobody will help you any more from this moment. Especially when the security guys stressed me out, when asking to unpack laptop, my belt etc and everyone behind me was waiting. And then, thinking that my stress would be over, the lady asked me to open the laptop itself, I didn’t understand her at the beginning, was stressed and busy with putting back my shoes on.
But after that, my stress was gone. What a relief.. now I’m sitting next to some children playground, oh yea… I still don’t wanna have children… this shitty noise and parents constantly observing them trying to predict and avoid any “unexpected” actions. No no, I’m not gonna elaborate on the entire debate about parents’ fate etc. just a small paragraph and that’s it.
I guess, I need to save my battery for later moments of “laptop hunger” so see you later, tot zo and I hereby announce wszem i wobec: