Gdyby istniało jedno podstawowe prawo, odnoszące się do energii miłości, to brzmiałoby ono następująco: inni widzą i traktują cię dokładnie tak, jak widzisz i traktujesz siebie ty sam.
Nie mówiąc ani słowa, sam nieświadomie pokazujesz innym, jak traktujesz siebie.Ponieważ ty jesteś swoim pierwszym opiekunem, inni spoglądają na ciebie,poszukując wskazówek, dotyczących tego, ile miłości wymagasz. Dajesz im te wskazówki. To, jak ludzie mówią do ciebie, jak cię traktują, co myślą i czego oczekują od ciebie, odbywa się pod twoje dyktando. Czy zdajesz sobie z tego sprawę czy nie, sam tworzysz wzorzec, według którego inni nawiązują z tobą kontakt” - Cherie Carter Scott
Magdo,jeśli uważasz, że nie musisz spać ani jeść, że Twoje życie to nieustanny pośpiech to nie przybliżasz się a oddalasz od prawdziwego spokoju. Wciąż biegniesz? A co jeśli to przed czym uciekasz siedzi w Tobie?
Wprowadź w swoje życie właściwy rytm.
Nastaw strzałkę kompasu na kierunek wewnętrznych potrzeb.
Przyjrzyj się sobie z akceptacją, zauważ co w Tobie jest wspaniałe i niepowtarzalne.
Wyznacz światu granice.
Zatrzymaj się na chwilę, zastanów się czego i kogo potrzebujesz, czego i kogo szukasz.
Zaopiekuj się sobą tak aby ktoś wiedział jak zaopiekować się Tobą.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Chocolate is good for you! :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Fieldwork- ctd.
So far, it is been goin relatively alright. Im trying to map the water distribution points in this resettlement colony. Im interviewing residents from different blocks (the settlement is divided into 13 of them, having in total approx. 9,000 people). It is striking to get to know about the difficulties and water, taken so much for granted by us- Europeans, is nothing certain over there. In some blocks, you never know when the water tanker is gonna arrive next time, so you live in uncertainty and keep on saving water everywhere... Or women fighting, getting injured and throwing stones at each other while collecting water...
Apart from tiring commuting (more than 2hrs and 4 times of changing vehicle), it is actually much nicer there- not so much noise, barely no traffic, smaller crowd people staring at you in a nicer curious way. In Delhi, the looks are much dirtier...
So yeah, it is an amazingly interesting experience, yet challenging and tiring. When Im in Delhi and on the way to this colony, im wearing earplugs constantly. This patent finally rescued me from constant migraine and headache at the end of each day. But yeah.. it is part of research charm in developing country :)
Hand pump- nice invention- you dont rely on electricity (which is quite treacherous in here, on and off all the time) as you do while having borewells. Yet, you need to have some power in your hands!
Water tanks and buckets all over, hoping to be filled up!
Water tanker with drinking water.
Local buses- amazing that they still run quite fast! Shall I get additional travel insurance? :)
Masterpiece in space efficiency... Part of research charm... Everyday im squeezed there :)
Apart from tiring commuting (more than 2hrs and 4 times of changing vehicle), it is actually much nicer there- not so much noise, barely no traffic, smaller crowd people staring at you in a nicer curious way. In Delhi, the looks are much dirtier...
So yeah, it is an amazingly interesting experience, yet challenging and tiring. When Im in Delhi and on the way to this colony, im wearing earplugs constantly. This patent finally rescued me from constant migraine and headache at the end of each day. But yeah.. it is part of research charm in developing country :)
Hand pump- nice invention- you dont rely on electricity (which is quite treacherous in here, on and off all the time) as you do while having borewells. Yet, you need to have some power in your hands!
Water tanks and buckets all over, hoping to be filled up!
Water tanker with drinking water.
Local buses- amazing that they still run quite fast! Shall I get additional travel insurance? :)
Masterpiece in space efficiency... Part of research charm... Everyday im squeezed there :)
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Anna Hazarre...a political activist
I'm in the middle of history happening in India! Hopefully, there will be a breakthrough in corruption situation in the biggest democracy in the world. Even in my neighbourhood there was a silence march with candles. People of any age are participating hoping that there will be a change.
More to read:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Malawi doesnt want to be known solely for HIV, huger and poverty.
Smutna wiadomosc dla milosnikow czerwonego miesa. Warzywka w ruch!,1,4819800,artykul.html
Monday, August 15, 2011
Independency Day of India- reflections
Sunday, August 14, 2011
India through a culinary lense
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